Fresh Start

The Starbucks Creative Studio owns the look and feel for all customer-facing promotional campaigns. Each expression is informed by a strategic marketing brief, features a seasonal product array, and is rooted in the core brand.

For the winter of 2021, I lead the design of a campaign with a seasonally-relevant approach that centered around well-being.

Creative concept and execution for Winter 2021 at Starbucks.

Lead Designer


Support our customers’ holistic well-being while providing a sense of normalcy, respite, and inspiration.


The choices at Starbucks this Winter can uplift my day and help me feel my best.

Our concept — known internally as Fresh Start — centered around three visually distinct product platforms, built from a suite of cohesive individual elements.

This approach resulted in mix-and-match assets that made for a robust creative expression that easily pivoted across various channels.

As we pressure-tested our creative concept and developed individual elements (above), we kept in mind the tools we’d need to build our actual deliverables (below) — including a robust style guide.

Creative Direction: Jen Quotson, Ben Nelson, Andrea Hilliard, Marissa Flores
Copy: Ellie Atchley, Keri Clark, Lisa O’Brien
Design: Hansel Doan, Bonita Nongluk, Jamie Jones (lead on film), Trevor Basset
Film: Epoch Films and Emma Westenberg, Future Perfect, Big Spaceship, The Mill
Social Creative: Big Spaceship